Notice of Commission Approval – Proposed Changes – Liquidnet Canada Inc.

Market Regulation Document Type
Liquidnet Canada orders and notices

On October 14, 2014, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) approved changes proposed by Liquidnet Canada.  The changes approved include:

  • Implementation of a minimum match quantity for negotiations;

  • Implementation of a minimum execution quantity for negotiations;

  • Restriction on a trader submitting a negotiation proposal below his or her own tolerance; and

  • Elimination of Indications of Interest (IOI’s) provided to the back end software of liquidity partners.

A notice requesting feedback on the proposed changes was published on the OSC website and in the OSC Bulletin on August 21, 2014, at (2014), 37 OSCB 7793.  No comments were received on the proposed changes.

Liquidnet Canada will publish a notice indicating the date of implementation of the approved changes.