Notice of Revocation of Strip Bond Information Statement

Notice of Revocation of Strip Bond Information Statement

OSC Rule


On July 28, 2003, the Director accepted an information statement dated June 2003 (the 2003 Information Statement) under section 4.2 of Ontario Securities Commission Rule 91-501 – Strip Bonds (the Strip Bond Rule). The 2003 Information Statement was submitted by the Investment Dealers Association, the predecessor of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC).

On June 4, 2014, the Director accepted a revised form of strip bond information statement (the 2014 Information Statement) submitted by IIROC pursuant to section 4.2 of the Strip Bond Rule. The Director's acceptance is evidenced in a decision document dated June 4, 2014. IIROC has asked IIROC-regulated investment dealers to begin using the 2014 Information Statement no later than January 2, 2015. Further information regarding the use of the Information Statement by IIROC-regulated investment dealers and market participants that are not regulated by IIROC can be found in IIROC Notice 14-0158 dated June 26, 2014, available on the IIROC website at

As the 2003 Information Statement no longer complies with paragraph 4.1(f) of the Strip Bond Rule, the Director has revoked the acceptance of the 2003 Information Statement pursuant to section 4.3 of the Strip Bond Rule. The revocation will take effect on January 2, 2015. The revocation is published in Chapter 2 of the Bulletin.


Winnie Sanjoto
Senior Legal Counsel
Corporate Finance
[email protected]