Notice of Approval - Proposed Changes to Form 21-101F2 - TriAct Canada Marketplace LP

Market Regulation Document Type
MATCH Now orders and notices

On September 13, 2016, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) approved amendments proposed by TriAct Canada Marketplace LP (TriAct) to Form 21-101F2. TriAct proposed the following changes to the MATCHNow trading system:

  • Offer its subscribers an all or none (AON) mixed lot feature to ensure that orders marked as such are not executed on MATCHNow unless MATCHNow is able to execute both the board lot portion and odd lot portion of those orders.  In the event that an AON mixed lot order cannot be filled in its entirety on the MATCHNow trading system, the order will be rejected, and the subscriber will then be able to re-route the order to another marketplace.
  • Establish a new feature that would allow subscribers to send Immediate of Cancel Marketflow orders that would be eligible for execution at the mid-point and Minimal Price Improvement (MPI) levels. MATCHNow’s matching system would first check for matching against the mid-point of the NBBO and then check for matching at MPI level.

In accordance with the OSC’s “Process for the Review and Approval of the Information Contained in Form 21-101F2 and Exhibits Thereto”, a notice outlining and requesting feedback on these proposed changes was published in the OSC Bulletin on July 21, 2016 at (2016), 39 OSCB 6747. No comment letters were received.

TriAct will publish a notice indicating the date of implementation of the approved changes.